Community Counseling Services - Region 7 Mental Health Center
The community mental health centers in Mississippi were formed as a result of the Federal Community Mental Health Centers Act of 1963, mandating community access to mental health care. The Mississippi State Legislature passed the Regional Commission Act of 1972 to organize its own community mental health centers. The state is divided into 15 mental health regions according to population. Community Counseling Services, serving one of those regions, is officially known as Mississippi Region VII Mental Health/Mental Retardation Commission. The Board of Supervisors in each county appoints a Mental Health Commissioner. The Commissioners act as a representative of that county on the CCS governing board for four years. Community Counseling Services is a public non-profit agency licensed by the Mississippi State Department of Mental Health. Community Counseling Services has over 300 staff members providing services in 67 programs at 53 sites, covering a seven county area.
Community Counseling Services
Region 7 Mental Health Center
1032 Hwy 50
West Point MS 39773
Tel: 662 323-9261
CCS Mission Statement
To provide quality, affordable, consumer-oriented, comprehensive behavioral health services. Our culturally sensitive, community based services will work through appropriate interagency collaboration to enable our clients to attain their highest level of individual and family functioning in the least restrictive environment.
Those We Serve:
* Client
* Client's Family
* Community
* Tax Payer
* Staff
