Region 1 Mental Health Center
Region One Mental Health Center is a comprehensive mental health care provider that offers services in a four county area, including Coahaoma, Quitman, Tallahatchie and Tunica counties. We have been providing excellent care for patients since 1970.
The mission of Region One Mental Health is to provide children, adolescents, and adults in the Mississippi Delta with unparalleled mental health services. We strive to provide cutting edge treatment in the mental health and substance abuse fields, with treatment that makes a difference in real people's lives. We do this in a warm and welcoming environment while protecting client confidentiality. We work to provide therapy services using evidence-based practices to make long-lasting positive change for our clients. After all, help for our clients means help for our communities; we believe in our communities and we believe in our clients.
Values are an integral part of the treatment at Region One Mental Health Center and are vital to our success as a community agency. We believe that values such as honesty, trustworthiness, respect for self and others, hope and genuineness form the Essence of Region One. Without these values, we believe the seeds we plant without clients would never grow. With these values, the seeds of our combined efforts take root and we are able to watch our patients grow and prosper in positive directions.
If you or someone you know needs help, please call us to schedule a consultation.
Region 1 Mental Health Center
1742 Cheryl St
Clarksdale MS 38614
Tel: 662 627-7267
Region One Mental Health's offers both outpatient and residential substance abuse treatment services for the treat ment of Alcohol and Drug addiction. Services offered include:
Outpatient Services
* Initial Assessments with Treatment Recommendation
* Individual, Couples and Family Therapy
* DUI Assessment
* Outreach / Aftercare Services
* Support for local Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics
Anonymous 12-Step Support Groups (e.g., Alcoholics
Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous)
* Substance Abuse Education (Free to Public)
Residential Services for Adults and Adolescents
* Residential Treatment for adults, expectant mothers, and parents
(men and women) who need to bring their young children into
treatment with them
* Detoxification Services
* Transitional Living Services
* Residential Treatment for Male and Female Adolescents
