Warren-Yazoo Mental Health Service - Region 15 Mental Health Services
Warren-Yazoo Mental Health (Region XV) is one of fifteen regional mental health centers in the state. Our mission is to provide the highest quality and most cost effective mental health care available today. Every effort is made to develop programs and services which will enhance and/or improve the quality of life for our consumers and their families.
Staff members are also active in providing education and information to the community and to civic groups on issues relating to mental health. Every service we provide must be based upon our philosophy that the top priority of this agency must be to serve those individuals and their families who are in need of a mental health service.
Warren-Yazoo Mental Health Service
Region 15 Mental Health Services
3444 Wisconsin Ave
Vicksburg MS 39182
Tel: 601 638-0031
Addiction & Prevention Services
Substance abuse by one person is said to affect the lives of seven other people; most often family members, as well as employers, coworkers, and friends. It affects all ages and economic levels in a community. The emotional pain and loss of income inevitably resulting from alcohol or drug abuse are large and very real problems because of the impact on so many lives.
Warren-Yazoo Mental Health Service offers both residential and outpatient treatment programs that can help individuals recover from alcoholism or drug addiction. The specific needs of the individual determine the path of treatment.
Chemical Dependency Center
The residential treatment facility, located in Vicksburg, Mississippi, is a 21-bed facility for both male and female substance abusers. The 30 day program, based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous and other current approaches, offers education, counseling, medical services and job placement assistance. We have an experienced support team that includes psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, counselors, and social workers. Residential treatment provides a structure often needed to begin a successful recovery.
Prevention/Intervention Services
The goal of the Prevention/Intervention program is two-fold, (1) to prevent the occurrence of alcohol and drug abuse and (2) to provide intervention services to those who have a problem. Our programs are designed to inform community members and consumers about substance abuse issues such as symptoms, the progressive nature of substance abuse problems, treatment possibilities, and the implication of substance abuse on the user, family, his or her employer, and the community. The primary goal in the prevention aspect of the substance abuse program is to provide educational programs to the community to increase the level of understanding and awareness regarding alcohol and drug abuse related problems. Warren-Yazoo Mental Health Service offers an intervention service for employers in business, industry, and government through the Employee Assistance Programs. The EAP is a broad effort to identify those employees whose problems affect their job performance and to assist supervisors in successfully intervening when job performance has slipped. The program is intended to offer appropriate referral and/or treatment for the employees in order to improve their job performance and/or conduct. In partnership with our community coalitions, Warren-Yazoo Mental Health Service will provide a balanced range of programs that will prevent as well as reduce substance abuse.
Adolescent Alcohol and Drug Outpatient Program
Warren-Yazoo Mental Health Service now provides an outpatient day treatment program for adolescents ages twelve to seventeen who have been diagnosed with an alcohol and/or drug problem and a serious emotional disturbance. This program was developed in response to the Warren County Youth Court report of a substantial number of adolescents entering their system with alcohol and drug problems. Participants entering the twelve week program would attend two sessions per week for two hours per session. Referrals for the program are accepted from the Warren County Youth Court, in-patient facilities, parents, and Warren-Yazoo Mental Health Service staff. The program sessions are held at the Chemical Dependency Center on the Warren County campus. Certification for this program has been provided by the Mississippi Department of Mental Health.
